Career at Windermere

Are you looking for something new and exciting to wake up to every morning? A job where you are your own boss and you make your own hours?

Then think about a career in Real Estate with Windermere Real Estate. We are always looking for self-motivated individuals with strong ties to their community to add to our team here at Windermere in Moses Lake.

You are only limited by yourself in this Industry; you can go as far as you want to. The Windermere Way is to give Agents the newest and best tools and then let them go do what they love.

For more information on what the licensing requirements are here in Washington State click here (

Did you know that Windermere K-2 Real Estate is a satellite school for The Rockwell Institute ( Start your training today!

If you would like more information on why Windermere would be a good fit for you feel free to e-mail or call 509-760-7733 for an interview.